Shanks Family
Warren Geneology Tree
Warren Extra Geneology Notes
William Warren Pilot 1848
Port & Docks Pilot Memos
Fairview Warrens

Willie Warren & Myra Shanks
Photographic history of their 12 children in chronological groups
select below for named individual's photographs and brief history
Elizabeth Phylis
Born 23-1-1924
Tony Bollard
1 Son Anthony
Mary Veronica
Born 5-1-1925
May Married
Danny Mulcahy
Died 20-10-2018
Sean, Myra, Anne,
Donal & Patricia
William Warren (Warry)
Died 1927
11 months old
Muriel O'Crowley
Born 7-2-1928
Marries 7-9-1953
Derry O'Crowley
Died 16-8-2007
Kevin, Fiona, Ross, Oisin & Brian
Ronny Patrick
Born March 1929
Wife Patrica Doyle
Died 21-2-1976
Derek, Niall, David, Susan & Louise
2nd Marriage Eileen
Born 25-11-1930
Marries John Rorke
Died 29th Nov 2012
Ann, Ian, Don & Janet

Nuala Cecelia
Born 23-12-1931
Marries Patrick Fogarty
Paul, Therese, Colm, Orla &

Colm Joseph Warren
Born 1-11- 1936
M: Margaret McNally
Vincent, Deirdre, Finola,
Sinead, Georgina, Andrew,
Berenice, Noeleen & Colm
Patricia Catherine
Born 25-10-1938
Marries Richard Flynn
Bill,Dick, Susan, Michele,
Mark, Karl & Lisa

Margaret Mary (Raidie)
Born 21-2-1940
M: Terence Wheatley
Fergus, Conor, Mella & Ailis

Brian Warren
Born 4-11-1944
Wife Catherine McDonald
Brian, Celene, Lorna & William

Peter Warren
18th January 1946
Wife Geraldine Mc Guinness
Niamh & Grainne

As you will see with the following photos with 12 children the first 6 surviving children were so to speak the first half of the family followed by the last five Colm, Pat, Raidie and after 5 years most definitely the afterthoughts Brian and Peter. We were considered the youngsters of the family and it was a great advantage having grown up sisters and brothers to watch out for us as well as our parents. We had a very cosy time.
With dancing classes for all the girls, the boys also had an outlet with the stables. Willie reared pigs as a sideline and as a result we had a horse and cart to collect waste food for the pigs and over the years very interesting pets such as Molly the horse, dogs, in particular Bruno, rabbits and even at one time 2 kid goats from Howth. Many a time the Parish Priest would complain that they had broken free and were eating his shrubs in the Church grounds. Not a very dignified job herding the goats back to the stables up Fairview Strand. We also had Fairview Park across the road to play in with our friends. I remember going on a very few occasions in the pony and trap to Portmarnock Strand. However Dollymount was within walking or rather hiking distance on a nice Summer's day for a dip. In the late 1940's our parents rented a house for a month on the beach in Laytown. I think we went there for 2 holidays. My memories of those holidays was great weather, the "carnival" a few swing boats beside the house blaring "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" day and night and "killing" dead jellyfish washed up on the beach.
In the early 1950s the family acquired a house beside the Estuary between Rush and Portrane. It was located beside a lovely beach and as we had no garden in Fairview, at Easter, the younger ones moved down to live there until Halloween,Willie drove us up to school until we got our holidays. It was idyllic, swimming every day, playing with the neighbouring kids, no traffic. Willie had a boat and we enjoyed many a trip over to Rush until we learned to swim the Estuary when the tide was out. Indeed the boat was moored in the middle of the river and on many occasions someone swam out, scrambled into the boat, set the oars into the rowlocks and then we had the use of the boat, no-one the wiser as long as it was moored back mid river.
In later years it was used to ferry us across and back to the 2/6 Wednesday night dance in Rush.
8th Dec.1954 Fairview flooded due to the collapse of the railway bridge over the flooded Tolka



May on the left Phylis on the right

May sitting, Phylis standing

Phylis with her dancing pumps

May with her teddy

May centre front with Phyllis at her left shoulder --------------------------------------------------------------------May centre 2nd row with Phylis to her left
Miss Macs dancing school which played a big part in all the Warren girls lives. Each of us in turn have great memories of our time on "the boards" at Miss Macs. 16 years later when it was my turn to go to Miss Macs and I know I loved every minute of my experience there.

-----------May & Phylis number three and four from the drummer-----------------------------------May third from the right second row and Phylis fifth from right front row
----------------Left to right - Muriel, Ismay, Phylis, Nuala, May, Ronny-------------------------------Back row - May, Phylis, Front row - Muriel, Ronny, Colm, Nuala, Ismay

Ronny with Ismay

L to R Raidie, Brian and Pat

L to R Brian, Peter and Raidie

Brian and Peter


L to R Nuala with baby Peter, Brian, Pat behind with rabbit, Raidie with Rabbit------------Laytown Holiday 1949 - Colm with friend at back, Pat, next Raidie, Peter and Brian
The Stables were behind Aunty Phil's house originally part of their property but whether it was owned by our family or in agreement with Aunt Phil I don't know. Willie had the use of it for his piggery and it was a great place for us kids.
By all accounts as a youngster, Ronny had an accident with the horse and cart thus the head bandage. He was very much in charge of the horse as he got older.
Ismay and Nuala on the left and May, Phylis in Guide uniform with Muriel and Nuala with Colm standing behind up at stables
Willie with Ronny in car. Ronny's bandage at this time reduced to a plaster
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Brian as a baby on Molly, Raidie holding the reins with Colm with Pat on the horse and Ronny pulling out from 9 Fairview Strand
Raidie with Brian and baby goat and to the right Raidie, Pat and Brian in Pram
On left Colm sitting precariously on the wall with Brian and Peter and on the right showing Brian the pigs as they both sit on the wall with the boiler for pig's food just behind them.
Near bye bombing experienced during the second World War or as it was know The Emergency. There is an amount of information to be had on the Internet. On the night of 31 May 1941, four high-explosive bombs were dropped by German aircraft on the North Strand area of Dublin City. The casualties were many: 28 dead and 90 injured, with 300 houses damaged or destroyed. This bombing was interpreted either as a deliberate ploy by Hitler’s government to force neutral Ireland into the war or as a reprisal for the assistance given by Dublin Fire Brigade during the Belfast Blitz. On 19 June 1941, the Irish government announced that the Nazi government had expressed regret for the North Strand bombing and had promised compensation. The North Strand bombings were the last to occur in Ireland during the Second World War.
The story I heard most about as a child was of the butcher whose shop was bombed. His name was Mr Savage. He had eight children. His head was blown off. Local people were very shaken by this experience and it was ofter spoken about over the years. The view most commonly held in Ireland was that the German bombings resulted from aircraft off-loading supplies to ensure a safe return to base.
Myra and Willie's 25th Anniversary 1948
Back row L to R Willie, Ismay, Muriel, Nuala, Phylis, Ronny Front row Myra, Brian, Raidie, Peter, Pat, Colm and May
Laytown Holiday photos, top left, Colm, friend, Pat, Raidie, Peter and Brian. Top right, front of photo, Raidie, Pat, Brian and Phylis with holiday friends at the back. Bottom left, Raidie with friend. Bottom right Raidie with Muriel outside the ice cream parlour. I 'm nearly sure that Derry O'Crowley (at the time Muriel's future husband)took this snap.

Ronny off Lambay Island in his long johns (No wet/dry suits then) diving down to John Tayleur wreck. They made a number of finds and if memory serves me some of them were in a Museum in Rush. The boat was built in our garden by Alfie Pownall I remember him steaming the planks to fit the shape of the boat, very intriguing to watch. Nicknamed the hen house due to "cabin" shape. On the boat Willie in the bow, Ismay and Nuala, no idea who is Ronny's diving buddy.Alfie, Stan and Audy Pownall were good friends. Alfie when married lived for many years beside Nuala and Paddy in the Burrow. Raidie building sand castles on the beach with a young man.

Raidie, Brian and Peter on bait digging duties at low tide. Think it must be Colm with the rake and Peter.


Playing in Fairview Park. left to right on the park seat, Raidie, Brian, Peter (boys not looking too happy amongst all the girls) Pat, Daphne Hughes. Pat and her friend sitting up on the basketball stand
By the Bandstand Fairview Park L to R back row Pat and Mary Scarff. Front row Raidie, Lucinda Scarff, Peter and Daphne Hughes. Bock row Pat, May, Nuala, front row Raidie, Peter, Brian sitting and Daphne Hughes
Bruno as a pup with Raidie, Brian going towards the car to join Peter. Muriel with Brian looking so cute with his long locks Daphne and Raidie having made their First Holy Communion outside the side window of the shop
Brian sitting next door on Connolly's steps Peter at the Shop Door with Iris doing his Just William pose Pat with Brian/ Peter not sure which of the boys




Cathal Brugha, revolutionary and politician, born at 13 Richmond Avenue.
William Carleton, writer and novelist.
Brendan Cauldwell, actor.
Éamonn Ceannt, one of the seven signatories of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic, lived at 23 Fairview Avenue.
Kathleen Clarke, activist and politician, also wife of Tom Clarke, lived at 31 Richmond Avenue.
Tom Clarke, one of the seven signatories of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic, lived at 31 Richmond Avenue.
Sean Connolly, captain in the Irish Citizen Army and Abbey Theatre actor, lived at 108 Philipsburgh Avenue.
Larry Gogan, broadcaster.
Rosie Hackett, actively involved in the trade union movement, 1913 Lockout and 1916 Rising, lived on Brian Road with her brother.
James Joyce, lived here between 1896 and 1901.
Thomas McDonagh, one of the seven signatories of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic, lived at Woodlands, Philipsburgh Avenue.
Úna O'Connor, sportswoman.
Maureen Potter, actress, singer and performer, grew up on St. Joseph's Terrace, off Philipsburgh Avenue, and attended St. Mary's Primary School for girls, also off Philipsburgh Ave.
Seán Russell, Irish republican.
Bram Stoker, writer of the 1897 novel Dracula, was born at The Crescent, a quiet street around a small near-circular park, by the boundary with Clontarf. A (private) museum has opened to commemorate this, inside West Wood Club.
Maureen Toal, stage and television actress.

Fairview History

The Irish name seen on street signs opposite Fairview Park, as well as on Fairview Avenue and Fairview Terrace, is Baile Bocht, rather than the current Fionnradharc, which suggests that this area was originally part of Ballybough, the neighbouring community on the far side of the river Tolka.

Fairview began to grow after the building of Annesley Bridge in 1797 opened up easy access to the land; since 1488 there had been no crossing of the River Tolka below Ballybough Bridge.

Administratively, Fairview and Marino were part of the old townland of Clonturk, which also included Drumcondra.

Fairview Strand was formally known as Owen Roe Terrace and Philipsburgh Strand. Philipsburgh Avenue was called Ellis's Lane and a small area around there was known as Annadale, home to one of Dublin's earliest Jewish communities.[2] Annadale House was located in an estate that now comprises Melrose Avenue, Lomond Avenue, Waverly Avenue, and Inverness Road.[3] On Fairview Strand, near Luke Kelly bridge, is Dublin's oldest Jewish Cemetery, Ballybough Cemetery. The graveyard was built in 1718, with a mortuary chapel added in 1857 (the Hebrew date 5618 is inscribed on the front), and contains more than 200 graves. The last burial there was in 1958.

Aunty Phylis Cloak's house was next door to the Cemetery as was the "stables".

Ballybough Cemetery (wikipedia)

Ireland’s oldest Jewish cemetery is to be refurbished and reopened to the public more than 40 years since its closure, under new plans from Dublin City Council.
The council took ownership of the cemetery on Fairview Strand in Ballybough two years ago 1917 from the Dublin Jewish Board of Guardians, who could no longer afford its upkeep.
Founded in 1718, it is one of the earliest surviving Jewish burial grounds in Ireland or Britain and merits consideration for National Monument status, according to a conservation and management plan commissioned by the council.
However, the historic fabric and character of the cemetery is under threat due to the overgrown condition of the grounds, the dilapidated state of the mortuary house and encroachment from neighbouring sites.

“Of particular concern, given international experience, is the risk of anti-Semitic vandalism leading to the defilement of this sacred space” if its poor condition is not addressed, the plan states.

Fairview Park (Irish: Páirc Fionnradharc) has playing fields, a children's playground and tree-lined walks. Originally a tidal mud flat which was used for land fill in the early 1900s, the park was developed in the late 1920s and bye laws were formally adopted by Dublin Corporation in 1934. The Tolka River runs right past the park, Clontarf Road DART station is located near the park, and across the railway line there is a 400-metre athletics track and a Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann hall. (wikipedia)



May and Dan's Story as told by Myra their eldest daughter

Mam was born in the Rotunda Hospital on the 5th January 1925 and was baptised in the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary City Quay on the 13th January1925 by Rev.J Mulcahy c.c. and her sponsor  was Veronica Shanks.
Mam was the second of twelve children, she had a very happy childhood,as a young child  she attended Miss Mac's school of dance in Fairview with her older sister Phylis. She went to school in Scoil Muire, Marlborough Street and later attended King's Inn Street Secondary school.
After Mam finished school she decided she'd like to do nursing, she commenced student nurse orthopaedic training on the 9th August 1945 in Mount Gould Hospital Plymouth, her Uncle Dick was in the Royal Navy and based in Plymouth so Mam had family connections there. She made lifelong friends while in Plymouth and in later life Dad and herself went there and she caught up with her friends. She was very proud of the fact that she marched with the other nurses in the victory parade in 1946 when war with Japan was declared over. It was a tough career, most of their patients were injured soldiers but as Mam said there were lots of laughs as well.

She left Mount Gould in 1950 to marry Dan Mulcahy whom she met while at home on leave. Nana had a young girl called Josie Wixsted working in the shop, Josie was very fond of Mam and her sister Muriel and on occasion brought them on holiday to her home in Lacabeg, Cappamore, Co.Limerick and it was through this connection that she met my Dad from Cappamore. Dan Mulcahy was working as a cabinet maker for Roches Stores One weekend Josie had a lift home and it was suggested that she ask her first courin Danny Mulcahy if he'd like a lift home so Mam and Muriel called to Roches Stores to ask him and as one might say the rest is history.
May nursing in Plymouth, Centre Josie (Dan's first cousin), May's portait
Left Dan and May, on the right, Myra, Baby Fergus in pram, Raidie with May in Wisley Gardens England, when they paid a visit to England in 1968
They married in 1950 and their first home was in 38 Clancy ave. Finglas, my brother Sean and I (Myra) were born there and then they moved to a bungalow in Killester Park, my sister Anne was born here but due to dampness in the house they had to up sticks again and move to their forever home 44 Collins Ave. Donal and Patricia were born here. Mam spent the following years rearing the five of us with very little time or money for herself which was the norm back then, but she was within walking distance of her family home, 9 Fairview Strand, where she regularly met up with her sisters and brothers. As we got older Mam had an offer of part time work in Clontarf Orthopaedic Hospital, Mam sorted her papers and returned to work in 1968.
Shortly after this Mam joined a voluntary organisation Civil Defence, she was an instructor and first officer in the Casualty Dept., she instructed at a first aid class every week , had weekends away adjudicating at competitions, her sister Muriel was also a member of Civil Defence so they had some good times together. Mam had a great sense of humour and made many great friends in work and Civil Defence, She retired from nursing in 1988 and a few years later she retired from Civil Defence. In the mean time with Dad started playing pitch and putt in St Mary's Griffith Ave, then due to health problems Dad had to give up and Mam moved with her friends to Campions Club on the Malahide Rd, she went on to play for 20 odd years joined by her Daughter-in-Law Theresa, many a good weekend was had in the Glen Eagle hotel Kerry an annual event
Wedding Group May with her 6 sisters, Mum & Dad and brother Colm. On the right the Mulcahy Gang going around the table left to right, Myra, Donal, Anne, Sean and Patricia


The Story of the 1951 Fairview Lion escape
(The full story by Valerie Loftus DublinEdge.ie select above link )

A welder by trade, Bill Stephens started out as a drummer in a showband but “dreamed of being better”. In his early 20s, he decided to become a lion tamer, acquired three lions, and began travelling with two of Ireland’s biggest circus families, the Fossetts and the Duffys.

His act, Jungle Capers with Bill Stephens and Lovely Partner (the Lovely Partner being his wife, May) involved the lions and some Alsation dogs – Stephens would famously stick his head between the lions’ jaws, and feed them from his own mouth.

In 1952, he was wintering with Fossetts out in St Margaret’s, Finglas. He was being sued by the kid who was mauled by the lioness, he had lost a very valuable animal, and he was trying to move out of Ireland to the US. He was writing to Clyde Beatty, an American lion trainer who was his inspiration.

[Beatty's] philosophy was that you had to get an angry, aggressive lion in your act to spice things up, so Stephens ended up getting a lion from Dublin Zoo to fit that bill. This was Pasha, the animal that ended up killing him in January 1953, as he was showing his act to a US talent scout.



The two lovebirds

May and Muriel went to visit Josie in Cappamore Limerick
Same Josie that introduced May to her husband Danny Mulcahy and who worked for Myra & Willie

Muriel and Derry in Turkey on one of their many holidays abroad .
There Wedding day, the reception was in the Argyle Hotel Dun Laoire

Muriel loved skiing and both Derry and herself ran many successful trips to Austria etc. Photo on the right is our family group in the gardens of Glenn View during Brian and Michelle's wedding reception.Going left to right from the back row Colm, Margaret, Terry Wheatley, Richard Flynn,Brian, Tony Bolard, Peter & Geraldine, Ronnie. 2nd row R to L- Phylis, May, Muriel, Ismay, Pat and Raidie sitting at front
Left - Muriel with endless energy and enthusiasm held Raidie's 21st party in her house. Most of the guests were mutual friends from An Oige plus family members and school friends. It was a very happy occasion. Right - The Dunes Hotel, Donabate, L to R Muriel, Pat, Phylis and May enjoying a girls day out.
Muriel and Derry's life long hobby hiking - The Drum Up
The O'Crowley Clan. L to R .Kevin, Ross, Oisin, Derry, Brian . Muriel sitting with Fiona


An Irishman's Diary
Mon, Nov 30, 2009, 00:00
8th Dec 1954 Flooding Disaster
The government declared a state of emergency and launched Operation Rescue.

"December 8th, 1954, gale-force winds ripped across Ireland, sometimes reaching hurricane force. Torrents of rain poured from the sky. Mountainous waves pounded the coast and sent boats and ferries scurrying for shelter".
"On the east coast, Dublin’s north inner city bore the brunt of the catastrophe. The Tolka River burst its banks near Annesley Bridge at midnight and within hours a huge lake covered more than a mile of roadway. The Fairview Park was submerged under water. As the rushing waters of the river barrelled towards the sea, they undermined the foundations of the Great National Railroads Bridge at East Wall Road. The bridge toppled into the river and acted as a dam, blocking the water’s route towards the sea, swelling the flood and causing it to extend yet further towards the city".
In some parts of the North Strand the water was four feet deep. Basements of houses and gardens were flooded to depths of eight to ten feet. Firemen and soldiers rescued people from their swamped houses and the police issued an appeal to people with boats to come and help move the afflicted people"
Family out at work didn't manage to get home and stayed with friends. Those of us at home watched as the water level climbed the stairs. The Christmas cake and pudding went for a swim and Myra said she was never again going to prepare early for Christmas. Sprinkling us with Holy Water that night as we went to bed, one bright spark (Colm) declared was there not enough water swirling around, did we need any extra thanks.

We were rescued from the upstairs sitting room window into a rowing boat and spent some time in various friend's homes until we moved down to our Summer residence as our home was not habitable for some time.


Ronny as a Baby, Toddler and young boy in his Communion outfit.
Ronny was a typical boy, loved horses and even helped Raidie and Brian enjoy the horse. Think he was the only one who injured himself, he was more careful with his little sister and brother.
Patty Doyle

Niall one of Patty and Ronny's sons
A wonderful happy photo of Ronny and Patty as Nana Warren (Myra) had a great saying "When God made them He matched them" Their Wedding Day
It was held in Patty's house in Cabra and was a great day
A very happy and united couple. When Patty died 21.2.1976 age 43 she left Ronny, and their children - Derek, Niall, David, Susan and Louise devastated. May Patty and Ronny both rest in peace now.
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Patty with David and Niall. On the right Patty's family, Mum, Dad with Derek in the garden in Cabra

Patty as a young adult Phylis, Willie, Patty and Ronny, Paddy Fogarty, Nuala in front of Paddy, Ismay, Pat on the ground, Myra beside Raidie in Willie's boat, in the garden. This is the boat Alfie Pownall built in the garden, looking spanking new!!


Ismay as a young girl dressed for a special occasion Studio Photograph Out with friends

Ismay and John on their Wedding Day and Ismay and John 25 years later celebrating their 25th Anniversary
The Wedding Party L to R Mr Rorke, Mrs Rorke, Dessie, Johy, Ismay Nuala, Willie and Myra. In the Wedding Group on the right hand side Marino Warrens and Mary Adelaide Road and Willie's brother Dick just behind him. Brian and Peter in the front in their school blazers.
Both Ian and Janet emigrated to Australia, while Anne and Don remain in Ireland. The photo on the left is on the ocassion of Ian Rorke's Wedding to Linda. L to R Janet's husband Brian, Anne (who travelled over for the wedding) Linda, Janet, Ian, Janets two children, Shona and Darra
After John's death Ismay at 70 years decided to move to Australia, and remained there for 7 years,the photo on the right is a group taken when Fergus Wheatley paid his Aunt and cousins a visit while on a trip to Australia. L to R Ian, Fergus, Ismay Janet with Shona, Brian and Darra at the back.
Ismay with flowers, always had a wonderful eye for colour, style, a brilliant cook, crafter, an Entrepreneur to her finger tips. Before John and Ismay retired they ran a very successful business together started by Ismay. John and Ismay were always very hospitable, Ismay was ahead of her time with her ideas, she most certainly inherited the Shanks gift for business. On the right is Ian, Don and Anne outside the family home. Don is the youngest Rorke and has helped with Willie's Army history.


Nuala holding Peter, Brian front, Pat behind him, Raidie with pet rabbit, Right photo Nuala smiling on the left with hat amongst Guide friends
On the left Nuala and May having a conversation, Right Nuala at a partty in Colm & Margaret's house.


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Pat's 1st Communion portrait, Pat about 18 year old, (sorry funny mark on the photo) and Pat's Confirmation portrait.
Pat and Richard's Wedding Day, the reception was in Malahide, on the right celebrating their 25th Anniversary with family,
Back L to R Dick, Carl, Mark, Bill, Pat and Richard seated. Front L to R Michelle, Lisa and Susan
A family gathering of young cousins in Rush with Lisa's pony. On the right, Nana & Granda's 50th Anniversary, the Flynn children group in order of age, L to Right - Bill, Dick, Susan, Michelle, Mark, Carl and last but not least Lisa


Phylis the eldest of 12 children, now our Matriarch and much loved and admired. L to R Muriel, Ismay, Phylis, Nuala, May and Ronny. A young portrait of Phylis.
One of our magic holiday in Laytown, front to back Peter, Brian, Raidie, Pat, Colm, Phylis, Muriel, Myra and Willie. On the right, Phylis, the young adult.
Tony the life and soul of every family get together with Phylis at a family wedding. Tony and Phylis at her roundy birthday, still keeping the show on the road. Tony had an amazing acting ability and often took on a different persona, causing delightful mischief much to our delight. He is sadly missed.
Phylis on her Wedding Day with Willie. Phylis and Tony's son Anthony, married Mary and have three sons Mark, Stephen and
The Bollard Family get together. Phylis and Tony with his brothers and sisters and their young families.


THE THREE AMIGOS - Colm, Brian and Peter still keeping close , the gentleman's club in the midst of the sisters
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Left Margaret, Colm and Margaret working in Birmingham 1958. On the right conductor extraordinaire Colm
Margaret & Colm on their Wedding Day and some of the main Wedding party.
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At the left Colm at the reception in the Holmpatrick Skerries with Pat, Patty and Muriel, on the right, back of the tables L to R Willie, Raidie, Myra, May Kelly Jnr. May Kelly Snr. (Myra's sister) Annie Ryder May & Danny Mulcahy, nearer side of table R to L Colm, Tony, Phylis, Sheila, Ronny and Richard Flynn
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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal."
Colm & Margaret were blessed with a family of nine children, six of whom survive. Vincent, Finola and Andrew died as the cure for Cystic Fibrosis is ongoing. Much has been dicovered to date but the research continues. Andrew, his happy smiling self. Andrew was borm Aug 1794 and died Dec 1995 age 21 years. Finola's First Communion 1970. Finola was born Nov 1965 and died Aug 1972 age 7. Vincent in 1963, born July 1962 and died March 1967 almost 5 years
Happy Christmas family Kilmurray 1988. Right family group at Sinead's wedding 2001, back row Berenice, Colm, Magaret, Sinead, Deirdre, young Colm, seating right Noeline and Georgina left.
Yet another group photo in Colm & Margaret's house Tubbertynon on the occasion of Margaret's birthday.1994 Back row L to R John Rorke, Cathleen Warren, Geraldine Warren, Tony Bollard, Eileen (Ronny's second wife) Derry O'Crowley, Peter Warren, Ronny Warren, Richard Flynn, Phylis Bollard, Brian Warren, Colm Warren, Front Row R to L Margaret Warren, Nuala Fogarty, Muriel O'Crowley, Pat Flynn, May Mulcahy, Ismay Rorke.
Right photo on the occasion of Noeline's wedding L to R Bernice Warren, Fiona O'Crowley, Theresa Fogarty, Georgina Warren, Middle Row R to L Deirdre Warren, Ann Rorke, Noeline Warren (the Bride) Myra Mulcahy, Anthony Bollard. Back Row L to R Colm Warren Jnr., Don Rorke, Paul Fogarty


Left Raidie as a toddler, Right with Brian and Pat Fairview Strand.
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Raidie with Daphne her longtime friend outside the shop on their Communion Day, middle, Brian, Peter and Raidie for Brian's Communion photo. Right, Raidie with Nana Shanks, a flower girl at her Godmother's Peggy Shanks' wedding
Terry & Raidie's wedding day. Right wedding group outside Fairview Church of Visatation.
Left, Terry's family group,front row, Roy (his Dad) Andrew, and Clara, back row Terry with sister Rosemarie. Right photo, the 1967 wedding family group, taken in the same position as 1948 group photo 19 years later
Terry & Raidie's 25th wedding anniversary 1992 celebrated at the time in the newly acquired 3 Castle Villas, Dalkey. Back row, left to right, Ronny, Brian, Peter, Richard, Tony, Muriel, May and Phylis. Middle row, left to right, Cathleen, John, Eileen, Nuala, Colm, Terry. Front row left to right, Ismay, Margaret, cousin Una (Colbert) Geraldine and Danny. Sitting, Raidie and Pat right.
Terry & Raidie 1999 in England on Terry's 60th birthday. Right 50th wedding group photo 2017 with children, partners and grand children and Jilly the dog. Back row, Fergus, Rachel, Conor holding camera shy Brendan, Tammy, Steve, Ailis and Mella. Front row, left to right, Cayla, Alice, Sienna, Raidie, Terry, Dylan and Andrew
Conor moved to the States as did Mella. Conor married Tammy Agius and on left is their wedding group of the Wheatley family, Steve, Fergus, Tammy, Conor, Terry. Front row, left to right Mella, Ailis, Tammy's niece Lainey, Pat, Raidie and May. Right Fergus and Rachel's happy wedding photo in Malahide , Alice with Conor, Rachel and Fergus.


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Brian as an infant, a toddler and on a trip to Dublin Zoo.
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Sitting on Molly, Brian with younger brother Peter and Brian on next door's steps
Colm entertaining Brian, on one occasion, seemingly Brian decided to get in with the baby pigs, big brother Colm rescued him in the nick of time. Right Brian's Confirmation Photo second row down from back, fourth in from the left.



Myra and Willie's 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass with 32 of their eventual 51 Grandchildren. 1973
The Eldest Grandchild Sean Mulcahy and the youngest Mella Wheatley
May Kelly Myra's sister standing in front of Myra and to the right Joe Ryder      To the right of Myra,a Joe and Anne Ryder with Danny Mulcahy on stairs in Balbriggan


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Very recognisable baby Peter in the pram, youngest member of the Warren Clan. Peter and Brian Irish twins were very close as kids and remain so. Peter standing in the shop doorway with an Iris. His big sisters tormenting him, no doubt.
Like many a Warren before them, sharing a common love of the sea and fishing Brian & Peter have become firm fishing buddies.
Peter with his family, Geraldine, Niamh, Peter and Grainne.

How blessed we are to have this last complete photograph of the family. Sadly, Willie, his brother Dick died the following year. Patty (Ronny's wife) was diagnosed with cancer shortly after.
The group above front row L to R :
Kevin O'Crowley, Derek Warren, Bill Flynn, Ismay, Muriel, Pat with Lisa in front, Willie, Peter the Groom, Geraldine the Bride, Myra, Phylis, Nuala, Raidie with Fergus in front, May with Deirdre in front Dick Warren Willie's younger brother, Margaret Warren wife of Colm, Theresa wife of Sean Mulcahy.
Back Row L to R: Danny Mulcahy, John Rorke, Derry O'Crowley, Colm Warren, Brian Warren, Richard Flynn, Paddy Fogarty Ronny Warren, Patty his wife, Cathleen wife of Brian Warren, Terry Wheatley, Tony Bollard and Sean Mulcahy.
The Warren craze for family photography started with Lizzie Doyle (Nana Shanks) and passed down the generations. It became almost obligatory on special occasions and get togethers to have a group photo.
Willie and Myra had 51 Grand Children who in their turn have raised families